Friday, May 6, 2011

Chapter 11 - Mutation
Chapter 13 - Cloning and recombinant DNA

On Wednesday we finished the mutation chapter, with a discussion on the mechanisms that cells have in place to prevent DNA changes:  The proofreading mechanism, performed by DNA polymerase as it fulfills its function, and DNA repair mechanisms, performed for several batteries of specialized enzymes, correcting mistakes that have been made during DNA replication

Today we started the chapter on cloning and recombinant DNA, with a discussion of the several modalities of cloning (cloning molecules, cells, and organisms), and the potential applications of cloning DNA and using recombinant DNA technology.

We started to describe the process of cloning DNA.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lab 10 - "Classic" Population Genetics II
Evolution in action

Today on lab 10, we performed a series of computer simulations to understand the effect of natural selection and genetic drift on the evolution of populations.

We used Jon C. Herron's AlleleA1 and EvoDots. AlleleA1 allowed us to simulate changes in allele frequency under specific conditions, since we were able to control variables such as population size, initial allele frequency, and fitness (we didn't change other variables that could be controlled as well).  EvoDots allowed us to simulate the effects of predation on a population of dots which vary in certain traits (speed, size, and color). In this case the user is the predator.

The effects of natural selection and genetic drift under various conditions were considered.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Exam 2

Today we had the second midterm exam.  Stats:

(click on pic for full size image)
