Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lecture - DNA. chromosomes and gene expression

Ttoday we fineshed chapter 7, about the structure of DNA and chromosomes. We talked about how nucleosomes are organized to compact DNA into chromosomes. Then we talkes about the basics of DNA replication. Among other things we mentioned the "mini-dogma" that you must remember. DNA is always synthesized in the 5'-3' direction...!

We also started chapter 8, on gene expression. Specifically how the information strored in genes is transformed into proteins.

Reminder: We have exam 2 on Monday. Last topic to be included in the exam: Chapter 7.


1. What are the components of a nucleotide? (there are three)
Phosphate group, nucleotidic base, sugar

2. The DNA strands in the double helix are antiparallel. What does that mean?
One of the strands runs in the 5'-3' direction and the other runs in the 3'-5' direction

3. List three differences between DNA and RNA
DNA is double stranded, RNA is single stranded
The sugar in DNA is deoxyribose, in RNA is ribose
DNA has T in its sequence, RNA has U instead

4. What is the name for a core of histones and the DNA wrapped around it?

5. What is DNA replication?
The process through which DNA is copied in a cell prior to cell division


Monday, February 2, 2009

Lectures - DNA structure and Chromosomal organization

Friday Jan 30 - Monday Feb 02

We are covering chapter 8 in the textbook: DNA structure and chromosomal organization.
We have been talking about a quick story of how DNA was discovered, the structure of nucleic acids, starting by nucleotides and how they can be put together to form the double stranded DNA and the single stranded RNA.

We started talking about how the large molecules of DNA can be compacted in the space of the nucleus, by wrapping DNA around histone cores to form nucleosomes.

Tomorrow we will finish chapter 8 and start chapter 9.

REMINDER: Exam 2 on Friday. It will include material in chapters 5, 6, and 8.


Lectures - Cytogenetics

Monday Jan 26 - Friday Jan 30

We covered chapter 6 in the book: Cytogenetics.
  • The most important topics of this chapter were
  • Chromosome morphology
  • The human karyotype
  • Variations in chromosome number: Polyploidy and anueploidy
  • Important chromosomal abnormalities: Autosomal and sex chromosome trisomies
  • Structural alterations and other abnormalities in chromosomes