Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Chapter 1 - A perspective in human genetics
Chapter 3 - Mendelian genetics

Today we finished chapter 1 with a discussion of the main ways in which genetics has impacted society in the past (mainly through eugenics) and in recent decades to the present (mainly through biotechnology).

We also started chapter 3, on Mendelian genetics, with a discussion of the steps that Mendel himself took to set up his, now considered classic, experiments.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lab 01 - Human (Mendelian) genetics

During this first lab students learned the basics of building pedigrees to study human genetics. Pedigrees were built for the following traits
  • Free or attached ear lobe
  • Hitchhiker's thumb
  • Tongue rolling
  • Hand folding
The latter two are behavioral traits with a genetic component but they seem to be inherited in a Mendelian fashion; they were suitable for this basic exercise. Each student surveyed such traits in their immediate family in order to perform the analyses.

Then we performed a couple of simulations (gametogenesis and fertilziation) to illustrate the Mendelian principles of segregation and independent assortment.


Pre-lab 01 - Bioethics projects topics

Today students formed groups and chose topics for the bioethics papers and panel discussions (genetics-related topics that generate social, moral, or political controversy). The groups and chosen topics are the following:
  1. In vitro fertilization - Courtney, Jenny, Kwaku, Marcus
  2. Human-animal chimeras - Andie, Danielle H., Kirstin, Maggie
  3. Genetic predisposition to addiction - Danielle L., Veronica, Caleb, Justin
  4. Designer babies - Jeniffer, Liz, Salesha, Sarah
  5. Genetically modified (GM) crops - Alex, Andre, Kevin, Mark
  6. Organ farming - Anabel, Jessica, Kara, Megan
  7. Research using HeLa cells - Lindsay, Ben, Brent, Jordan
Panel discussions will take place during the lab session of week 9. Papers are due the same day.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Intro Genetics, Biol 210 - Spring 2011

Welcome to the Spring 2011 edition of the INTRO GENETICS course!

This blog is kept for the students' convenience. You can use it as a record of how the class progresses, and occasionally as a a platform for announcements. Feel free to make comments suggesting new ideas or asking questions.

Check out the column on the right, since they contain interesting information about the course and about a few sources of genetics-related information.


We reviewed the syllabus and started with the first chapter in the textbook: A human perspective on genetics (or, if you prefer, a perspective on human genetics).


We will assign groups and topics for the bioethics projects, and will do a basic exercise on pedigree analysis using four traits easily identifiable:
  • Tongue rolling - Roller vs. non-roller
  • Ear lobe - Free vs. attached
  • Thumb - Hitchhiker's vs. straight thumb
  • Hand folding - Left thumb over right vs. right over left
Please remember to find out what are your and your relatives' phenotypes for these traits. The lab guide will be available on the p-drive and the WebCT site.

You will form groups of four people to develop the bioethics projects. You must propose genetics-related topics that are controversial. Topics will be assigned before starting the lab.
